Are you taking joy seriously enough?

Throughout evolution humans have become highly attuned to danger and threats. For millennia it was survival of the most cautious. Optimists, who weren’t so worried about that rustle in the bushes, would get eaten by...

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Fire and Rescue NSW launches Mindarma

Fire and Rescue NSW is taking a leading role in protecting the mental health of its workforce, with today’s rollout of the e-learning program Mindarma. The new evidence-based program was developed following a successful trial,...

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Steal Back Your Life

Practising mindfulness sounds frightfully boring. That’s why I prefer to think of it as a fun game that I call stealing back my life. You can play it too. Start by rating your busyness on...

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What to do when you’ve been doing all the right things

Most of us are good people who are trying to do all the right things. So, why is all that effort not being rewarded with fabulous feelings of achievement, contentment and satisfaction? Why instead, do...

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It’s all gone horribly pear-shaped

There are times when things will go pear-shaped… and then there are the times when that pear will be all squished, mouldy and have a big fat worm in it. Sadly, horrible pears happen. So,...

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World-first study delivers practical approach to building resilience at work

There is no doubt our first responders deserve the very best protection. Now world-first research will see emergency services workers become better equipped to take on the many mental health challenges of their demanding roles....

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Stillness should not be scary. Boredom is not the bogeyman.

Pac-Gal was a game very similar to Pac-Man (the main differences being that Pac-Gal wore a bow on her digital yellow dome and in a sign of the pay gap, was significantly less expensive). When...

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The Future is Good

Growing up I was highly dubious about being good. I desperately wanted Sylvester to devour Tweety. I wanted to see the Coyote finally eat that stupid beeping Roadrunner for breakfast. It was the 1980’s and...

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“I just don’t think we are right for each other.”

10 Ways to Break Up With Busyness Ask people how they have been and almost everyone will have the same answer – busy. It’s extremely socially acceptable to be busy. Detail how much you have...

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There’s a US$1.15 trillion a year hole in my bucket, dear Liza

Some numbers are so staggeringly large it is hard to get your head around them. According to research from the World Health Organisation (WHO) US$925 billion per year is the amount depression and anxiety disorders...

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How can I remain calm when there’s so much annoying, stupid crap to be angry...

Anger is a fairly useless emotion. According to anger researchers, its only possible benefit may be in unskilled fighting. So, what is one to do when met with endless news stories detailing sleaze, scandal and...

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The Joy of Joy

As a young child I was a joy-seeking missile. I lived for it. It was pretty much all I cared about. There was playing with puppy dogs joy. There was running under the sprinkler joy....

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