Casey O’Brien

Casey O’Brien

Casey is a Senior Psychologist with over 16 years’ experience in public health, community services and private practice. Passionate about workplace mental health, Casey continues to assist many injured workers through WorkSafe Victoria, equipping them with practical psychological skills and strategies as part of their recovery.

Casey worked for over 10 years at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, providing support to staff across many challenging frontline roles. As part of this work, Casey engaged staff in reflective practise, facilitated mental health conversations, ran regular mindfulness sessions and presented on a variety of mental health topics.

Casey is as an honorary fellow of The University of Melbourne and has a strong research background. Her research experience includes adapting an Optimal Health Program for people with diabetes and coordinating a randomised control trial to evaluate its effectiveness.

Casey brings to all her work a warm, encouraging approach and a humorous, engaging style. She believes strongly in the benefits of self-care and has specialist skills in supporting people with chronic health conditions. Casey regularly teaches yoga and maintains her own self-care practise which involves everything from high intensity interval training (HIIT), relaxing café brunches to being part of sporting crowds and taking time out for many unexpected mindful moments throughout her day.