Resilience wasn’t built in a day… and other valuable research findings

Resilience wasn’t built in a day… and other valuable research findings

Research completed by Mindarma co-founder Sadhbh Joyce has now been published in BMJ Open. The research paper provides a systematic review and meta-analysis of resilience training programs and interventions. The aim of the research was to examine the efficacy of different approaches towards building resilience.

For businesses looking to invest in resilience training programs, the paper provides some very valuable insights.

While it is common for workplaces to schedule one-off training events, the research does not support these types of interventions. While one-off approaches may be cheap and convenient, they are also typically ineffective. It seems resilience cannot be built in a day.

According to Joyce, this finding is understandable. “Developing any skill takes time and practise. You wouldn’t expect someone to play Mozart after just one piano lesson or be safe behind the wheel after just one driving lesson. Building resilience requires the development of a number of skills and it is unsurprising that interventions conducted over multiple sessions achieved far greater success.”

The review and meta-analysis also aimed to find out what type of training works best, examining interventions based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based interventions and those which combined CBT and mindfulness. The mixed approach proved to have the biggest positive impact.

Organisations looking to implement mental health programs can be met with a confusing array of choices, with passionate proponents of both CBT and mindfulness urging employers down different paths. For those organisations looking to boost resilience, it now appears far better to take a central path, which brings together the best of both approaches.

This beneficial mixed approach is a central feature of Mindarma. As well as introducing learners to mindfulness, the program teaches a range of cognitive skills which can help them to handle challenging situations and bounce back following difficult days on the job.

Keen to adopt evidence-based mental health strategies, a number of major organisations have already rolled out Mindarma. The program was recently released to Reuters journalists worldwide as well as more than 5000 workers across NSW Ambulance. Optus, the Australian Graduate School of Management and NSW Health are among the other major employers to have adopted the program. “We are extremely proud that Mindarma is already helping to support thousands of workers and we hope its impact will continue to grow,” says Joyce.