
Mindfulness on the frontline

From emergency services to healthcare, education and defence, mindfulness is helping frontline workers to take on the toughest gigs. Discover practical strategies to protect and support those who serve.




Producer: Dr Sadhbh Joyce, Mindarma

Unfortunately, during the live recording, Dr Sadhbh’s internet dropped out during the Mindful Pause meditation. If you would like the full experience of the Mindful Pause meditation, please click here.


  • Hugh Strong: Crew Leader and Brigade Training Officer, Glen Aplin Rural Fire Brigade, and Member of the Queensland RFS Remote Area Operations team
  • Michael Arena: Federal Agent, Provisional Psychologist, Organisational Health, Australian Federal Police, Victoria
  • Brad Goodwin: Superintendent Zone Manager, NSW Ambulance
  • Dr Sadhbh Joyce: Senior Psychologist, Co-Founder of Mindarma, Meditation Teacher, External Fellow, Black Dog Institute/UNSW


  • Dean Yates: Author, Journalist, Mindarma Podcast Host

Additional resources

If you wish to dig a little deeper, check out these additional resources

If you have any questions, please contact info@mindarma.com




The views expressed in this webinar are solely that of the panellists and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mindarma or the Black Dog Institute.