
Integrate Series 2023

It’s the perfect time to give your mental health a boost!

Presented by Dr Sadhbh Joyce, Integrate features four recorded sessions designed to help you get the most out of Mindarma.



Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

The ‘Self-Care Reset Plan’ Sadhbh refers to in Session #4 is available here, with tips on foundational self-care, a self-care reset meditation as well as links to expert panel recordings on sleep, nutrition and movement. 

Gather your team and discover together, or watch by yourself on demand.

All videos will remain available for you to view on-demand.

Gain expert insights into:

  • The neuroscience of adaptive resilience
  • Understanding your Reactive Mind & Wise Mind
  • How mindfulness and self-compassion build resilience
  • Practical strategies to help manage periods of high stress
  • Understanding mindful support as a resilience strategy
  • Developing a self-care action plan

Each session includes an experiential practise.

Got a question? Contact us at info@mindarma.com