
How to

Get a good night's sleep

Discover the big, brain-boosting benefits of sleep and gain practical tips to help you get more of the good stuff.

How to get a good night's sleep

Producer: Dr Sadhbh Joyce, Mindarma

Expert Speaker:

  • Associate Professor Nicole Lovato
    Associate Professor in Sleep Health, Higher Degrees by Research Deputy Coordinator, Psychologist (Provisional)
    Flinders Health and Medical Research Institute: Sleep Health, Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health, College of Medicine & Public Health, Flinders University (SA)



  • Dr Sadhbh Joyce
    Senior Psychologist, Co-Founder of Mindarma, Meditation Teacher, External Fellow, Black Dog Institute/UNSW Medicine (NSW)



The ‘Sleep and Mental Health’ resource document discussed in this webinar is available to download.


Questions? Contact us at info@mindarma.com



The views expressed in this webinar are solely that of the panellists and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mindarma or the Black Dog Institute.