
Educator mental health webinar

Supporting teachers, educators and principals

Gain expert insights into the main psychological stressors facing educators; what principals & wellbeing managers can do to protect educator mental health; evidence-based resources available for teachers/educators; and Mindarma for Educators.

Webinar Recording


  • Dr Natasha Ziebell: Senior Lecturer, Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne (VIC)
  • Ms Annabelle Lee: Senior Primary School Teacher (NSW)
  • Mr Brandon Taylor: Mental Health and Wellbeing Manager, Queensland TAFE (QLD)
  • Dr Sadhbh Joyce: Senior Psychologist (Mindarma), External Fellow (BDI)


  • Tasman Cassim, Senior Manager, Black Dog Institute

Additional resources

Additional evidence-based resources are available here and here.

Any questions? Contact info@mindarma.com



The views expressed in this webinar are solely that of the panellists and do not necessarily reflect the views of Mindarma or the Black Dog Institute.