Discover the remarkable changes that occur in your brain when you take time out for mindfulness. Learn about the researched benefits and experience them for yourself with short, guided practises.
Wednesday 13 March 2024
Time: 12:00pm – 12:50pm AEDT (11:30am SA, 11:00am QLD, 9:00am WA)
Dr Sadhbh Joyce (MClinNeuroPsych, PhD, MAPS)
Sadhbh is the Principal Psychologist, Meditation Teacher and co-founder of Mindarma and has experience across clinical, academic, and industrial settings. She is an External Fellow at the Black Dog Institute and UNSW Medicine.
Sadhbh has over 18 years’ experience working in Mental Health. She has supported those struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, bereavement and workplace injury. Sadhbh is passionate about programs that take a holistic approach to mental health and wellbeing.
In 2021 Sadhbh was awarded the Australian Psychological Society Significant Contribution Award in recognition of her successful translational research. You can read more about Sadhbh’s work here.
This event has been completed. For more information contact Mindarma.