
The science and practise

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Too often left till last, self-care is crucial to how we feel and how we function. Understand the science and learn simple, practical strategies that can make a real difference.

Thursday 12 September 2024
Time: 12:00pm – 12:50pm AEST (11:30am SA, 10:00am WA)


Dr Sadhbh Joyce (MClinNeuroPsych, PhD, MAPS)

Sadhbh is the Principal Psychologist, Meditation Teacher and co-founder of Mindarma and has experience across clinical, academic, and industrial settings. She is an External Fellow at the Black Dog Institute and UNSW Medicine.

Sadhbh has over 18 years’ experience working in Mental Health. She has supported those struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, bereavement and workplace injury. Sadhbh is passionate about programs that take a holistic approach to mental health and wellbeing.

In 2021 Sadhbh was awarded the Australian Psychological Society Significant Contribution Award in recognition of her successful translational research. You can read more about Sadhbh’s work here.


This series is exclusive to registered Mindarma learners and those within organisations with event access privileges.


Can’t register for this event? Here’s what to do:

  1. Contact your HR or wellbeing team to ask about how you can get a Mindarma subscription.
  2. If you are a South Australian Small or Family business, you can register here.
  3. If you would like to purchase a Mindarma subscription, you can do so here.
  4. If you need help or further information contact us at

Assoc. Professor Anya Johnson
Associate Professor, Head of Discipline in Work and Organisational Studies, and co-director of the Body, Heart and Mind in Business Research Group, University of Sydney Business School

Anya’s research is in the area of Organisational Behaviour. Specifically, Anya investigates how employees regulate their emotions and cognitions in the workplace, and the relationship between the design of jobs and teams and outcomes such as engagement, well-being, mental ill-health and performance.

Anya is the recipient of multiple awards such as the 2021 Ray Ball Prize for Best paper, the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) 2020 Award for Innovation and Excellence in Research and the University of Sydney Business School Engaged Research Award (2017).

Assoc. Professor Helena Nguyen
Associate Professor in Work and Organisational Studies and co-director of the Body, Heart and Mind in Business Research Group, University of Sydney Business School

Helena received her PhD and Masters of Organisational Psychology from School of Psychology, University of New South Wales.

Helena’s research interests focus on understanding how emotional and cognitive processes interact to influence employees’ well-being and performance at work. Helena’s research takes a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating research from the fields of psychology, management and organisational behaviour to better understand how individuals and groups think, feel and behave at work. Helena’s research aims to advance knowledge in this area by adopting a multimethod and multilevel approach.

Helena’s research has been published in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal , Journal of Management, British Journal of Management and Journal of Service Research. Helena is also the recipient of multiple Australia Research Council grants.